cultivator of herbs and medicinal plants located in San Juan. They have basil, chives, dill, arugula, laurel leaves, rosemary, oregano, cilantro, lemons, savila, tarragon, etc. In their website they tell you what medicinal and seasoning purposes have each of these plants. you can order online or muy at Amigos supermarket. they also have a facebook page
i personaly use oregano for my acne, its great to get rid of the inflamation and any puss. boil in some water and crush to make a paste, apply in face over night. see a miracle happen when you wake up.
savila is a great multipurpose curative plant, from the simplest injury to cancer, this plant can help cure it all.
i personally make tomillo tea for when my stomach is upset or as a calming/ relaxing helper.
rosemary is commonly known for seasoning chicken but it also has curative features too similar to savila.
support the local economy by looking for the sticker that says “made in Puerto Rico”
curious reader might be asking how do you know all this natural curative remedy stuff?: ever since i’ve changed to the gluten and lactose free diet i’ve been into more natural stuff. also i recently changed my facial cleaning products from proactive to origins. my face and body react better to natural stuff, chemicals were not working at all for me.