Type: froyen yogurt
Address: next to Fine Arts Miramar
Price: $0.59 per oz.
Parking: park in the Fine Arts of Miramar next to the Pueblo Supermarket, by all mean uncomfortable
Service: its a self-serve place where you can try the flavors then choose one, two or all then the topings and pay. they are nice and they do activities like bithdays.
Food: they have like 6 flavors and change them from time to time when I went there there was Acai (blueberry), dutch chocolate, vanilla, dulce de leche, mango and red velvet cake. all super delicious.
Comment: it is a small place so come early, I like this place its nice, even Darth Vader likes it. The thing is that there was a birthday I was invited to and the little kid loves Star Wars and they brought a Darth Vader with was so cool to watch him walk all over the area in that suit.
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